Saturday, December 15, 2007

December 13

We packed camp in the blowing wind and snow. We made Camp 8 on Dec 13 at 5:10 pm with our best day so far at 23.2 kms. In the tent writing - I went outside in fleece top and pants, no wind with a warm sun, absolutely beautiful!

Camp 8 at 48 degrees, 48 mins south latitude and 070 degrees west 58 mins longitude. We are heading slightly west to avoid heavy crevases at the head of Foundation Icestream. Our line is west until we bypass the crevace zone, then we bear directly for the south pole. Everyone is in good spirits.

I want to dedicate this blog to my wife Shirley and my children Lesia, Allie, Bella, and Nick. Thanks for all the support.

Todays featured team member is Team Leader Eric Philips. Eric skied to the South Pole in 1998-99 season with John Muir and Peter Hilliary. He pioneered a new route up the Shakelton Glacier from Mucmurdo Sound. Eric's polar travel and other polar experiences would fill many blogs, his company's called Icetrek. Website is Leadership is a skill honed by experience but buffered by personality. The ability to lead a team successfully takes many qualities. Eric is a great leader with a good sense of humour. Not domineering but firm and resourceful. You couldn't ask for a better team leader. We are having trouble taking him seriously though, with his red bandana and his stereo ear pieces that look like earings. He looks like a pirate.

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